Hello Pigeon

Hello Pigeon! These were some of the first words that I said to my son, Reacher, when I saw him for the first time. Rewind to before I got pregnant, when I was going through fertility treatments. Pigeons have been my favorite bird since I could remember. I love the way that they coo, their colors and their characteristics. So, I knew that I wanted to nickname my future son, Pigeon. It would be loving and endearing. Fast-forward to the moment I met him, and I didn’t even have to think twice about it, he was my world, my heart, my little pigeon.
After giving birth, I had to wait an excruciating 25 hours and 10 minutes to see him in person. Due to my Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome, I had to be put to sleep during my c-section and had to wait 25 hours to be taken off of the magnesium and to have it leave my system. After all of that, I was able to finally see him. During those long hours of waiting, my husband face-timed me from the NICU so that I could at least lay eyes on my sweet boy. I’ll write a post sharing my birth story here soon, but in the meantime, you get the idea.
So, as I was wheeled into Reachers room for the first time, I greeted him with, “Hello Pigeon!” And then completely lost my mind. Tears galore – I’m sure you can imagine; it was very emotional. Then, while in the NICU for a couple of days, we were welcomed with a basket from the Toby’s Shower for Babies program, which is geared to support new NICU families (and we’re incredibly thankful for that gift). Side-note: It’s a small world, because some friends of ours know the family who started this organization. Anyhoo, in that basket was the light-hearted book, Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog by Mo Willems and the matching stuffed Pigeon! I mean, seriously?! Is that a coincidence or what?! That basket was meant for us and his nickname from me was meant to be Pigeon. That’s it, it spoke to me and I won’t argue with it, haha.
I’ve gone through PCOS, fertility treatments, preeclampsia, HELLP Syndrome and now the NICU, so I thought that it would be nice to start a new blog. I want to share our experience through all of that as well as our life afterwards, because my story may help you through yours. This is just the beginning, so, welcome to my story and feel free to look around.